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Build Dashboards With Google Sheets
Introduction To The Build Dashboards With Google Sheets Course (5:01)
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How This Course Is Structured And Templates
2021 Update: Changes to Google Sheets menus
Dashboard 1: Static Sales Dashboard
Introduction To Dashboard 1: Static Sales Dashboard (1:35)
Dashboard 1 Templates
Summary Data Table And Scorecard Charts (8:09)
Revenue Pivot Table And Chart (5:24)
Sales Channel Pivot Table And Chart (4:57)
Geographic Pivot Table And Chart (6:39)
Top Products Pivot Table (3:56)
Create The Sales Dashboard (12:46)
Sharing The Sales Dashboard (2:46)
Dashboard 2: Dynamic Student Data Dashboard
Introduction To Dashboard 2: Dynamic Student Data Dashboard (3:18)
Dashboard 2 Templates
Drop Down Menus For Interactivity (7:33)
Dynamic Charts (3:37)
Absentee Data Staging Tables (10:14)
Absentee Data Charts (4:56)
Creating The Dynamic Dashboard (9:43)
QUERY Function And Heatmaps (8:16)
Formatting The Dynamic Dashboard (5:18)
Second Drop Down Menu (10:46)
Dashboard 3: Real Estate Dashboard With Google Forms And Slicers
Introduction To Dashboard 3: Real Estate Dashboard Using Google Forms And Slicers (3:28)
Dashboard 3 Templates
Using Google Forms To Collect Data (6:15)
Interactive Dashboard Scorecards (7:23)
Sales Funnel Chart (10:27)
Interactive Dashboard Slicers (12:26)
Formatting The Interactive Real Estate Dashboard (6:59)
Dashboard 4: Financial Dashboard
Introduction To Dashboard 4: Financial Dashboard (3:31)
Dashboard 4 Templates
Google Finance Functions (13:15)
Portfolio Staging Data And Chart (10:17)
Custom Chart Labels (12:30)
Use A Checkbox To Add Dow Jones Comparison Index (13:18)
Allocation Staging And Charts (15:10)
Forecast Tables And Chart (15:54)
Finance Forecast Drop Down Menu (7:03)
Build The Financial Dashboard (15:15)
Dashboard 5: Website Analytics Dashboard
Introduction To Dashboard 5: Website Analytics Dashboard (4:00)
Dashboard 5 Templates
Dashboard Settings Sheet (6:52)
Google Analytics Add On Part I (7:30)
Google Analytics Add On Part II (8:45)
Data Staging (17:29)
Dashboard Charts (16:33)
Sparklines (8:25)
Formatting The Dashboard (15:37)
Social Media Import Formulas (18:57)
Add Social Media Metrics To The Dashboard (9:43)
Alexa Import Formulas (6:55)
Add Alexa Metrics To The Dashboard (5:55)
Introduction To Apps Script (5:28)
Save Data With Apps Script (16:54)
Alexa Ranking Sparklines (14:28)
Share Dashboard Via Email Automatically Using Apps Script (19:48)
Custom Menu (6:12)
Automate The Dashboard With Triggers (6:31)
Next Steps
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Introduction To Dashboard 4: Financial Dashboard
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